About me

Since my early days in design, I have never stopped exploring how this practice interacts with the world around us.

It started with UX, which opened my eyes to the subtleties that make a product successful. Or its loss: I saw users fleeing because their needs were not listened to.

The second chapter was the discovery of the technological tools at our disposal to design these experiences. How does a team of developers work? What are their challenges? I tried to optimize my interfaces to make their lives easier and take advantage of the available technologies.

Finally, there is the economic reality. A product is supported by a company, which has its objectives and needs. Working in your own bubble is no longer enough. We have to accompany our clients, translate their ambitions into objectives and measure the impact of our solutions.

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I like to pick my watercolor brushes or my tablet on my spare time and paint a bit. Nothing serious, but there’s nothing better to change your mind.


Feel free to contact me anytime, I’d be glad to chat about what you’re working on!